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Greenway InfraTech values our relationships with our world class partners & preferred suppliers, building a solid foundation
for mutually beneficial partnerships. If you’re interested in being a partner, please send us an email: info@greenwayinfra.com.

Land Owners:

Have you wondered about the potential to install wind or solar generation on your property to create renewable power? Are you interested in playing a role in providing India with clean renewable
wind energy? Landowners can benefit handsomely from the additional revenue provided by the sale of electricity generated by turbines or solar panels on their property.

Greenway InfraTech values its relationships with landowners and ensures financial benefit and respect for rural environments. When Greenway InfraTech leases land for renewable energy development,
we are responsible for resource (wind and solar) assessments, project design, permitting, power sales, financing, and technology operation and maintenance

To contact Greenway InfraTech about development opportunities, email: info@greenwayinfra.com



© Copyright 2008, Greenway InfraTech (India) Private Limited