Wind is the most promising
and fastest growing renewable energy source. Wind turbines worth $23
billion were installed in 2006 alone, leading to an increase of 2454 MW
capacity in US, 2233 MW in Germany, 1,840 MW in India, 1,587 MW
in Spain, 1,347 MW in China and 810 MW in France. At the end of 2006,
worldwide capacity of wind-powered generators was 74,223 megawatts (was
only 2500 MW in 1992). Globally, wind power generation quadrupled
between 2000 and 2006. It already accounts for approximately
18% of electricity in Denmark, 9% in Spain, and 7% in Germany.
Benefits of using wind energy
- Huge theoretical potential
- Low marginal cost of production and good profitability
- Economic feasibility
- Strong public support
- Positive environmental impact